Tuesday, August 28, 2007

General Round Mouth sat on a rock and looked at the sky.

General Round Mouth sat on a rock and looked at the sky.

Of course, his eyes worked differently than human eyes. They would not have seen the narrow band of light we perceive.

And the general did not use them as intended. The things we would call nerves made their impressions, but not to the residue of a brain that once controlled General Round Mouth's body.

The brain that had grown in it. 

The brain that had used that body for its survival.

General Round Mouth had found the nerve endings as it infiltrated and took over that body. It had wrapped them around a sense-tendril.

But learning to see with them would have to wait, for the body had found a rock and was desperately trying to kill its new tenant - or itself - the general didn't care. After a few minutes of pain impulses into what was left of that original being, General Round Mouth found the right nerve control to take possession of that limb.

And all opposition to the general stopped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.